Winnipeg's local Junior Chamber International Chapter celebrated it's 91st anniversary at East India Company on Saturday, December 13th 2014.
The JCI Winnipeg Holiday Gala gave our members, friends and sponsors the opportunity to look back on a year of engagement and impact in our community.
Download our Evening Program here.
Follow us on Twitter @JCIWinnipeg and have a look at #JCIwpgGala for live tweets of the evening.
Have a look at our Facebook page for our photo album of the Gala.
Past-member Kelly Faubert hosted our evening which recognized outstading members who initiated projects that impacted the lives of many in Winnipeg.
Erica Christie was awarded Rookie of the Year for her dedication and efforts on two very important initiatives: JCI Winnipeg's Trick Or Eat event and JCI Winnipeg's involvement with Junior Achievement of Manitoba's programs.
Brandi White was awarded Member of the Year for her continued involvement with JCI initiatives, notably JCI Winnipeg's Charity Toy Drive.
Simon Méthot was awarded Board Member of the Year for his work on the bilingual initiative and the creation and maintenance of our blog.
Katrina Hueging was awarded Executive Member of the Year for her role as VP of Fellowship and her ongoing involvement in JCI Winnipeg's success.
Past President Danelle Hueging continued the evening with the swearing in of our 2015 JCI Winnipeg President Natasha Fisher, who represented JCI Winnipeg as Effective Speaking Champion of the Americas at World Congress in Leipzig, Germany in November 2014.
As incoming President, Natasha Fisher welcomed her 2015 Board of Directors.
JCI Winnipeg wishes to thank our Holiday Gala Sponsors for their gracious support. They are:
Word from our Past President
Thank you for joining us in celebrating the impacts made by our dynamic group of active citizens!
As our membership takes on projects and initiatives to bring positive impact in Winnipeg, our friends, sponsors and partners take great pride in supporting all that the Jaycees do. What a pleasure it was to celebrate these achievements with a great meal at East India Company surrounded by the very best of Winnipeg's young active citizens.
As our creed states, service to humanity truly is “the best work of life”. I have seen firsthand how the impact of one can resonate with so many; getting involved in food drives, skill development workshops, mentoring youth and helping Santa onto his float has made our community better.
Like Margaret Mead stated, ”Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful and committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has”.
Here’s to many more years of positive impact ahead!
In Jaycee Spirit,
Danelle Hueging
2014 JCI Winnipeg President
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