I am Jason Gunnlaugson a recent addition to the growing team of JCI Winnipeg, recently I moved back to my hometown and decided to keep with the organization that I had joined in BC.
JCI Winnipeg is currently a tornado of positive energy and passion, it is a rapidly growing group of exciting individuals who are working together to make positive change in our community.
We recently held a 2 day retreat at Rose Grove Country Getaway, near Portage la Prairie, to have some fun and unwind. Oh there may have been some work in there as well, but that’s the thing with JCI it kind of feels like your just having a good time with your new friends and then the next minute you are tackling serious local issues and putting plans in to action to make changes. Soon enough you are back to skating on the “pond”.
My father always told me that if you weren't having a lot of fun while raising money or creating change it wouldn't last for long, and JCI Winnipeg lives this message. I am happy to have found this organization in Vernon, BC and even happier to continue with it in Winnipeg.
Now make sure you buy a ticket to Leadercast, there are less than 100 left!!!!
Jason Gunnlaugson
Many thanks to Rose Grove Country Getaway for sponsoring the team-building retreat! We had such a great time out there between bonfires, pond hockey, group breakfast and birthday cake... And having the big table on hand for our discussions about upcoming projects made it easy to keep the work fun-not to mention it was nice to get away for some fresh air and open spaces! The 12 of us were nothing but comfortable out there-thanks for your hospitality! http://www.cottagecountry.com/rose-grove-country-getaway-cottage-portage-la-prairie-mb/